


Majoring or minoring in 亚洲研究 prepares students as specialists in 亚洲. 学生 take courses in 亚洲n history, languages, and cultures, and become familiarized with 亚洲 as a region, and its interactions with the rest of the world. 亚洲研究学位 prepares students for further studies at the graduate level, and gives graduates an edge for careers in international law, business and commerce, as well as with government 或者非政府组织.

Through a program in 亚洲研究, students gain proficiency in one or more 亚洲n languages, and develop an understanding of 亚洲n civilizations from past to present. In addition to study of 亚洲n languages and history, 亚洲研究 students choose from courses in political science, art history, anthropology, women’s studies, film, 地理、文学和哲学. 亚洲研究的学生学习传统 and modern pop culture, as well as 亚洲n communities in America.

学生 are encouraged to supplement their coursework and gain international living experience by studying abroad with one of UNC’s direct exchange partnerships in China, 日本、韩国、台湾或泰国. 亚洲研究的学生也可以完善他们的 academic training with participation in one of the many 亚洲n cultural clubs at UNC, where they can enjoy cultural activities, and celebrate 亚洲n holidays like the annual UNC农历新年庆祝活动.



Contrary to popular belief, becoming proficient in an 亚洲n language is not as difficult as some might think, and with dedication, students can master an 亚洲n language in 仅仅几年. 学生 in the 亚洲研究 program will study 中国人 or 日本. For information on the 中国人 or 亚洲研究 programs, contact 米歇尔低他是亚洲研究顾问. For more information about the 日本 program, contact Sumiko吉布森. Both 中国人 and 日本 are also available as minors at UNC. 

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研究生s of the 亚洲研究 program are qualified for a variety of careers or graduate 研究项目. 学生 with 亚洲研究 majors can go on to careers with the US government as a Foreign Service Officer, or work for other governmental agencies, such as the CIA, Immigration and Naturalization Services, etc. 因为毕业生 a firm foundation in 亚洲n civilizations and languages, many go on to teach languages in US or 国际 schools or work in the private sector, while some move on to non-governmental or non-profit agencies that focus on 亚洲. 其他人则前往亚洲 to teach English or work, and continue improving their language skills before going on to graduate studies in 亚洲n studies, 亚洲n history, 亚洲n languages and literature, anthropology, geography, or international affairs, to name a few. 


Teaching English in China with Mercan English Schools in 太原,中国

学生 with at least one-year of 中国人 at UNC can apply through CIE and 世界 Languages and Cultures for a paid summer internship with Mercan English Schools in 太原,中国. 学生 spend 8-10 weeks working for a private 中国人 company getting valuable skills-training in teaching English as a Foreign Language and in working 在中国的商业机构内. 学生将接受课程规划方面的培训 and content delivery using Mercan’s textbooks, and will work alongside experienced 团队教学形式的教师. 学生也获得宝贵的生活经验 在中国境外短期工作. 这是一份带薪实习,包括 housing in a one-bedroom furnished apartment with electricity and internet. 学生 are responsible for their own international airfare, local transportation costs and food, though the generous stipend should cover these costs.

Teaching English as a Camp Counselor 在日本的盖伊·希利美国夏令营

UNC students can apply through CIE and 世界语言和文化 for a summer internship 在日本的盖伊·希利美国夏令营. 学生担任夏令营辅导员和英语 language teachers, working alongside 日本 camp counselors. 实习生获得经验 working with children (mostly middle-school age), and teaching in an informal setting. 学生 live at the camp in camp cabins or tents most of the summer, and spend their days off with their 日本 host families at their homes, where they can improve their 日本 language skills, and gain an insider’s understanding of life in Japan. This internship is not paid, but Guy Healy covers all lodging and food in Japan, as 以及到日本的国际机票. 不需要有日语经验.


ACT has created unique custom travel experiences to China and 亚洲n countries for 18年. 他们在丹佛、温哥华和北京设有办事处. 这次实习将 provide the opportunity to learn aspects of creating custom travel itineraries to 亚洲. Interns will have the opportunity to create their own itineraries for clients 基于他们的偏好. 团队旅游市场营销和开发新业务 会是实习的一部分吗. 一些日常办公工作,如复印、表面处理 邮寄和电子邮件是必需的.

The internship seeks applicants with at least basic Mandarin 中国人 coursework and some existing knowledge of China and 亚洲n tourist destinations. 需要的技能包括 attention to detail, strong phone communication skills, marketing and sales background, social media familiarity, creative thinking and Microsoft office applications.

Interested applicants should contact Joe Sinisi at 303-960-5935 or joe@acesschinatours.com.