

For detailed information about study abroad opportunities at UNC, visit the website UNC的 全球参与办公室.



A two-week 旅行 to 埃及 gave nine UNC 学生 an opportunity to learn about the complex politics and culture in contemporary 埃及, as well as experience ancient 通过参观金字塔和其他地标来了解埃及.

The 旅行, offered through UNC's 全球参与办公室 in conjunction with the Sociology Department and Office of Extended Studies, was organized by the Arab American Foundation for Multicultural Education and 学生' Understanding, or ARAMFO.

Despite the timing of the 旅行, Professor of 非洲研究 George Junne, one of three UNC faculty members who participated, 说 the group "didn't run into any problems," explaining that they were often accompanied by a guard or followed by a marked police car as a precaution, and that at the time, the demonstrations and violence-prone areas 是有限且容易避免的吗.

Junne 说 he was impressed with how well-organized the program was and how much they 能在短时间内体验到什么.


Gamal Selim, renowne d 埃及ologist, shares his extensive knowledge of the ongoing 古亚历山大,埃及第二大城市的发掘.

图片由George Junne提供.

Junne also 说 travel experiences such as this one are incredibly valuable. “这是 really important to go out and look at the world and see, as my 学生 did, that 这比我们想象的要复杂得多。.

While it may seem from news reports that 埃及's divided between those in favor of the now-deposed president, Mohamed Morsi, and those against him, Junne 说 that he and his 学生 learned first-hand that things are "all more complicated."

While visiting Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST), 学生 heard many notable guest speakers that included Tarek El-Morsi, spokesperson for the Muslim Brotherhood; Nassir AlKaffas, an opposition journalist who spoke about the importance of social media to the uprising and the gradually increasing freedom of the press in 埃及; and others who addressed the relationships of Morsi's regime with non-government organizations, 包括许多非暴力的革命努力.

The group also was able to get some one-on-one time over dinner with Manal Kamal, vice minister of 埃及's Ministry of Higher Education, and Andrew Mitchell, cultural 来自美国的事务官员.S. 驻开罗大使馆.

The 学生 also talked with local university 学生 and 埃及ian feminists, who shared their views on everything from their goals in the revolution to the propriety 头巾. 通过这些对话,Junne说他的学生们看到了 country is not simply divided between religious extremists and proponents of secular government or supporters and opponents of Morsi, but that there were in fact many 中间的视图.

"The 学生 learned that there were many truths, with a small ‘t,“Junne 说. 但没有一个真理,一个大大的T.'"

With limited safety concerns, 学生 were able to travel all over the country to 参观不同的历史景点和重要的文化遗址. 有知识准备 from assigned readings and guided by two top 埃及ologists, the 学生 visited the three major pyramids of Giza, Pompey's Pillar, the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Amon at Karnak, Luxor's Avenue of the Sphinxes, and the Temple of Hatshepsut.

Junne 说 the assigned readings prepared 学生 to interpret and truly understand what they were looking at when they visited the monuments, from the meaning of a statue's 脚的位置,以纪念法老的生活.

UNC student Angela 鲁迪说 that the opportunity to see the monuments was one 她选择去旅行的主要原因之一.

"I knew it wouldn't be like other study abroad programs where you get to go to Europe," 鲁迪说. “(我认为)能够看到这么多古老的历史遗迹 我们在学校里学过的都是例外."

During their travels, 学生 socialized with many 埃及ian nationals and university 学生. At one point, as Junne wrote in a post-旅行 report, his 学生 were on 一辆巴士载着一群埃及学生穿过城镇. 他们谈论政治 - one of the 埃及ian 学生 had actually been shot in the uprising - and just enjoyed 彼此的陪伴. 所有的学生都有说有笑,甚至唱歌 在一起.

"Who would have thought that the life of the party on the bus would be the Muslim 学生,包括戴头巾的妇女?琼写下了这段经历.

鲁迪说 that meeting the 埃及ian locals was one of the greatest aspects of the 旅行.

"The most valuable part for me would be meeting the 学生 from MUST and hearing their viewpoints on 埃及ian politics and their lives in 埃及," 鲁迪说. “每一个 student, faculty member and community member was very kind and welcoming to our group."

In the time between information-packed lectures and tours of ancient tombs, the 学生 stayed at five-star hotels and enjoyed all kinds of unique entertainment. 他们去 on a dinner cruise on the Nile, swam with dolphins, visited open-air markets and rode 骆驼.

Junne 说 the 旅行 was not only a "first-class educational experience," but also 很有趣. 他说,有很多很多的理由让学生考虑课程 像这样在未来.

"Some people think, ‘we have everything here, there's no reason to leave.“Junne 说. "But when you leave, you realize we don't have everything, and other countries don't have everything either; it's all different."

学生 on the 旅行 had the option of enrolling in one or both of two three-credit classes: Social Structure of Modern 埃及 and Ancient 埃及: Society and Culture.

The 旅行 also included 学生 from Western State Colorado University and Front Range 社区学院.

图片由George Junne提供.


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